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05/21/15 1:12 PM

#399593 RE: Gungrey #399363

gungrey. I know of no other reason for investors to be in the market other than to make money. I am a long that trades idcc when conditions look favorable. You would probably be shocked at how many other longs trade idcc at times to also make money. It is legitimate to ask others what their method might be that might help me. I will be trading again if idcc gets close to $50.

It happens to some, but I'm not in love with idcc. I'm not interested in holding this stock until I die and have an executor distribute 100% of my idcc assets according to my will. I would most like to enjoy some of my idcc earnings. I want to spend some of that money.

It's ok for you to be a long that thinks their is no other way, but not ok for you to be bitter and criticize others that have different methods in making money on the markets than you.

Even shorts. God bless them also. Sometimes their inaccurate shorting make us money and I have no animosity against them if they pick it right and make dollars also. Sometimes I would have shorted idcc, but I don't know how to do it.

So now I'm done with the subject and will no longer respond to you on it. God bless and have fun. .. .. nic