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05/13/15 4:12 PM

#28985 RE: Netsurfer #28984

Did you see any activity before the $45MM sale? No? Then clearly sales can happen without your knowledge of them, right?

Also, this part about them decreasing in value is a joke. Yea, maybe 5 years from now. But this is the BEGINNING of the sapphire market really taking off, so until someone else makes a superior product and can mass produce it, these GT furnaces are the market gold standard.
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05/13/15 4:15 PM

#28986 RE: Netsurfer #28984

Then why even bring it up?

I am not able to say who the company is but they have been selling into the Silicon Ingot and Sapphire aftermarket for several years. They call on both ex GT customers and independent OEM's.

Are we supposed to believe you have insider info and are just teasing a message board?
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Newbie Long GT

05/13/15 5:09 PM

#28991 RE: Netsurfer #28984

OK, so if you read the initial Court filing submitted by GT, the contract value/price is stated there.

It is public record, it was approved by the Court, so I believe it would be wise to assume the sale has moved or is moving forward.

I suggest you look for yourself, it really is not hard to find.

Also, I believe you previously indicated that you were in logistics with GT in some fashion. So, when you talk about how "long" it will take to move 1900 furnaces are you talking about physically moving them or selling them? Although in my opinion, it really does not matter, because you may know better than most that firstly, most deals are kept quiet until they are done or very close to being done and secondly, if a large purchase of ASF were to occur, getting them physically moved quickly would certainly not be a barrier to a sale and thirdly sales most often move in fits and starts, not at a "rate" so although few have been sold to date, that could drastically change at a moments notice, tomorrow, next week, month or quarter.

Yes, they do have a shelf life ticking clock, but as others have said, until there is a significantly better system out there that has a proven track record, my guess is these systems will have good value for the foreseeable future.

And yes, I do agree that selling them is important to the Apple debt and the profit GT could realize on top of that, but it may or may not be the key to recovery. There are other pots in the fire that generate pure profit with no Apple attachment that could be very valuable going forward....

And when you find tomorrow's WSJ today, please do share.