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05/30/06 9:03 PM

#4010 RE: Gold Seeker #4008

Gold Seeker: I am a big skeptic...just ask those who've been around a while and have even called me a "basher" at times for questioning things and pointing out the negativity. When the latest data sets came out, when everyone was rejoicing, I was complaining bitterly about how the internal studies are meaningless right now.

HOWEVER, if you believe that Moro would outright lie to an inquiring investor (rather than saying "no comment"), you should not be investing in BOCX. Come on man that is as basic as it gets.

Also, re-read headache's post. He did not ask Moro about the colorimetric versus RIA assay. He asked about the personalization, and the key sentence in Headache's post was "reiterating the natural interpretation of the PR that he was discussing a possible improvement of the test when we made the remarks about personalization".

Call the good Dr. yourself if you don't believe Headache.
I have no relationship with Moro but I speak regularly with many others at BOCX and would be too embarassed to ask about this topic since the P.R was as clear as day.

I will agree with you, though, that it was NOT clear whether or not the colorimetric assay had been completed in the P.R that first discussed it. I immediately called my contacts to discuss.
Unfortunately I never share that sort of info but you are free to call for yourself.

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05/31/06 12:44 AM

#4017 RE: Gold Seeker #4008

Re. "Why would he say 'basically is does not'? It either affects it or it doesn't. More hedging."

I (not Moro) used the above phrase to indicate that I was summarizing the essential point of a lengthy explanation, which included a lot of science (at least for me). I was happy with the explanation given to me and did not suspect that any "hedging" was going on.