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04/30/15 11:45 PM

#29131 RE: livelifeasplay2 #29129

Let's all go out in style on the plus side! Can I get an Amen?

3DIcon is passing the collection plate around the Feds! We get one or two grants and we could be golden.


05/01/15 10:32 AM

#29141 RE: livelifeasplay2 #29129

Flyersman had it right in a recent writing…

Something to the effect that penny stocks don’t use money to pay for things when they can issue their stock for nothing… paraphrasing.

The federal government – thanks to the overnight deal with the Federal Reserve – works on the same basis and has for just over a hundred years now. Thus, the Depression, recessions, boom-busts since then. The Fed debased the dollar by eventually getting rid of its backing – gold. FDR outlawed gold possession, Nixon got rid of the backing for good, and now the dollar’s worth, what, less than 3 cents? If – and a big IF – the dollar gets its gold backing back, its value will gradually rise with the marketplace tradeoff. When – not, if – CSpace gets its funding in dollars and thereby increases in value to the market, its share price rises commensurately, based on the dollar.

CSpace is there; it’s not going away… think of it this way: CSpace is unmined gold right now but when brought to the surface, will back its share price.

So it’s a waiting game right now. Our salesmen haven’t come home yet.

So in the interim, playman, shoot some snooker, play some golf on your days off. Livelifeasplay… as you say.