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04/27/15 3:16 PM

#40495 RE: ESP24 #40494


You do understand that when "shorts" get out by covering, they are buying stock and therefore put an upward pressure in the stock price, don't you?

the stock price has been dropping with downward pressure to .2001, a 20 month low

To me the price drop is actually indication that someone knows something and that something is good.

The shorts are getting out fast to mitigate their losses before the ISO cert and contract comes out (very soon).

We may see a few more dumps, but we are reaching top end of short volume.

Reasons for My Conclusion:
- Critical language exaggeration seems geared towards anger and not sincere
concern of quality of Yippy
- Shorts getting out and dumping
- Longs and sideline investors are getting a benefit from the shorts panic to acquire more shares for great PPS
- Bounce up is not far away


04/27/15 4:37 PM

#40504 RE: ESP24 #40494

For a short to get out they would have to buy at the Ask not sell to the Bid. Someone dumped their shares and nothing more.