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04/24/15 11:56 AM

#87139 RE: Stock_Barber #87138

I've been "pumping" sensible index funds for almost 20 years. No doubt 99.9% of penny flippers would be better off in one. I think I've actually converted 2 or 3 people in all that time! But one member bought me a gift membership on IHUB. (I refuse to pay IHUB).

The rare thanks does make it worthwhile.


04/24/15 12:09 PM

#87140 RE: Stock_Barber #87138

The funniest one was from a poster here who when I showed up on a board, he admitted to the board that he wished he had listened to me regarding some other stock and how I was absolutely right.........then proceeded to tell me that , "this stock is different though. It's legit".....then a mere week later and once again he was insulted me and calling me a basher on the stock board.
What percentage of Ihubbers actually learn?

Most shocking of all though, are the CMKXers who after seeing all the officers in jail and found guilty of fraud. Still blame me for their losses years later. Still claim I don't understand what happened.