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05/26/06 11:06 AM

#207959 RE: famulus #207956

one would think that with 90 billion shareholders (or whatever the latest count is) even the most unrealistic, out-of-touch long has to concede that some of their numbers might be disgruntled enough to initiate this lawsuit.. it's not like the money ever went in more than one direction.. towards Urbie


05/26/06 11:21 AM

#207965 RE: famulus #207956

From harrison's website.


I lost $50,000 on this "investment," and I have finally realized that I was scammed. I even went so far as to fly to Vegas and meet with Urban personally. During that meeting he blew major smoke up my ass about the diamond finds, the gold, the uranium, and all the other crap that never existed. I was stupid and wrote him a check for shares at a 15% discount to the market, that was then .0005.

I am not going to take my money being stolen by lying down. I have talked to several attorneys and given them the background information on this scam. All of them think there is a case, but nobody will take action on a contingency basis, although all of them have said that the SEC exhibits from the revocation hearing make it a slam dunk. Their issue is whether there is any money to recover at this point..

The estimates I have been given for the cost of a suit range from $90,000 to $150,000, with a retainer of about $25,000. I can't swing that alone, but a group of us could.

I want to go after all of them. Casavant and his family, the crooked attorneys, the joint venture scammers, the promoters, the task force, and the pay it forward con artists.

We might not recover a dime, but at least we would finally know the truth behind this crime and maybe get enough facts to force the authorities to take action here or in the US.

I figure that it will take at least 100 people willing to go on the line for $1,000 each. If there are more, then the price will go down.

I don't know how to organize this, but if you are interested in being part of a group to bring these crooks down, then email me. I will respond to every email, and we can start planning the next steps. I also set up a chat room where we can start exchanging information. It isn't moderated, and it doesn't require registration. Any DD about how this scam came down is welcome. Name names.

I was stupid. I believed a crook who looked me in the eye and lied to me. I want to get even if nothing else. I will update this quick and dirty website when I find out if there is enough interest to move forward. A PR on this will be released next Tuesday.