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04/23/15 12:30 PM

#301094 RE: WallStreetSavages #301089

Did MersiveSolstice also win Crystal-BootyPlug Award ?


04/23/15 12:47 PM

#301102 RE: WallStreetSavages #301089

Then why for the love of god wouldn't the jack wagons at Ntek tell us about a deal being made? they love to see us go down the drain on our shareprice???? Makes NO sense what so ever that Ntek would not have shouted this out to stop the destruction of shareholder value....maybe when it hits .0009 they will mention it?...Oh maybe then they will buy back a few million of the float and THEN tell us? Yeah that's is a strategic move on NTEK's part not to tell the world about the biggest thing they have accomplished?...Maybe it is the boatload that were sent to Ciao???