you're talking to a 20+ year fan of barry lamar bonds, so i know "showboating" when i see it. what manny did the other night was over-and-above, and set the new standard for oneupsmanship. as a result, at some point later this season - he will find himself brushing clay off his arse.....
~ ric
PS: [totally agree where "crawdaddy" is concerned]
lol vic, your compairing a TV commercial to the game of baseball??lol You just can't still handle reality. Manny is one of the biggest showboats in the game and if a Yankee were to do that you would have the world to say about it. I bety it took you all day to come up with that Besides, someone saying they like how fans boo them on the road is far from standing like the statue of liberty admiring the homer you just