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04/21/15 10:21 AM

#5836 RE: timetomakemoney #5835

Up until a few months ago I thought this was a can't miss play. Up until a couple of weeks ago I thought it was a high upside/Low downside play.

After that 4th q it looks like an absolute piece of garbage. Possibly the worst CEO in the history of penny stocks and that is saying something.

An absolute joke of a company. More interested in Facebook posts and hanging out with teenage electronic computer musicians than running a successful company.

The signs were there and I only have myself to blame.

If a company that was growing revs as fast as they were and was even profitable couldn't get a better loan than having to give away shares at half price then I should have known better.

I thought maybe it was due to the financial climate and banks tightening their lending habits that forced them into the ridiculous note they had but now it is clear.

They probably didn't even try to get a normal loan. Just didn't even care about dilution. Maybe even profits from it in some way.

I am done posting about this garbage.