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04/21/15 10:09 AM

#33636 RE: HappyLibrarian #33629

The company can release news at any time. It's if they want to present data finding at a conference, that would be embargo, that will likely need to wait until the next conference.

There are so many catalyst. Some we know, and others we do not. :)

I trust they know what they're doing and I'm going to be the patient shareholder that I've always been and give them room to do it. I can't help but debate the negative timeline points, as results can't be rushed. This is a biotech stock, so times of lull are shorted. Imagine it was determined months ago they weren't going to be presenting at ASCO. Shorts would have swarmed. In my mind, the company could have easily, and I mean easily, just bought booth space to ensure our share price was not manipulated over it. We only found out yesterday they wouldn't be presenting. To me that is very effective managment strategy, keep the world thinking they could reveal something any day, week or month. The more I see of this, the more I like. They potentially saved my share price from falling down by not revealing that card that the data wouldn't be there. But, did ASCO ever make sense? In my mind, not completely. I keep going back to that vaccine schedule, and this being immunotherapy, which needs even that last vaccine data to age (it's not like they can inject in May and Ph I ends that date (it needs months). The DATA not being ready, IS NOT the same thing as the data didn't get accepted. Only now, we're near the end of April, and so much closer to the next catalyst. I haven't even looked at the ticker, as it just doesn't matter, as we are always getting close to the next thing, and in the interim, the data is aging. Long hold shareholder think that way.

BUT, will I be here to debate, until I'm exhausted sometimes, all the negative points? Absolutely. I won't get angry doing it, as to me, it's not personal. I just don't read into it. Period.

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04/21/15 10:38 PM

#33748 RE: HappyLibrarian #33629

1. News on EAMS from the UK. What is our status on the second part of the application?

2. News on HE in from Germany. By the way, can anyone refute Pyrr's claims that due to interference from the Phase 3 trial and restrictions on where product can be manufactured, HE is a dead letter from a revenue standpoint?

3. A limited partnership on Checkpoint Inhibitors on favorable terms with a Big Pharma. Ms. Powers said to ask about that again in a few months, hinting that something was in the works. Pretty soon it will have been a few months. But with no conferences...

If you haven't learned by now, the Management Team isn't only less than transparent, they are purposely misleading. They have no problem giving highly aggressive timelines but they feel it isn't necessary to update their investors when those dates come and go. Linda will use any used car salesman tactic to keep investors on edge. Just go back a few years ago when they talked about partnering DcVax Prostate for years, put it on every presentation, and then quietly removed it from their corporate presentation and never spoke of it again.

But don't worry, she's doing it in our best interest! She's doing it to keep the shorts at bay, etc, etc, etc