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04/15/15 12:23 PM

#1758 RE: CaptainRicci #1744

I understand what you are saying and I do see some logical to that approach. But here is where I still see a problem. If you already have millions of end points on your existing business network and those end points are conducive to advertising you are probably already taking advantage of that situation, so VLDI end point advertising capabilities brings very little value to you. On the other hand If VLDI cyber security application is the best thing since slice bread you would be interested in that capability. The end point advertising capability would be only valuable to those that do not have that capability to advertise to end points and need the security application as well. That is why I feel the end point advertising has limited valve, beside most businesses in private and government sectors would provide absolutely no valve because it would not be allowed. Take the Facebook acquisition of Whats App. Facebook bought them not for there ability to advertise to end points, but they bought them because their end points were very conducive to advertising. Facebook had the capability to monetize those ends with their advertising expertise.

Now if Bruce can find a huge network that does not advertise to their end points and those end points are conducive to advertising and they need a state of the art cyber security application, of course that would be a big win, win situation and they might be interested in making an offer to buy VLDI out.