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04/13/15 11:02 AM

#215247 RE: hutschi #215246

So they have 5 from 6 patients (17th March 2015)
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04/13/15 11:24 AM

#215250 RE: hutschi #215246

hutschi, that 5 out of 6 patients is new to me.

Must have missed that.
It is interesting because that means we can estimate the #French patients to 9 (#sites) x 6 = or 54, which could makes sense.

Now if this site managed to enrol 5 out of 6 patients the enrolling is going very well in France. So either they are doing something special there, because you apparently found the same sites as I did (I have the others but I find no PUBLIC SUNRISE info leading to them and so neither would the patients) or all other countries will have enrolled better then simulated.

9 months = about 270 days, 5 patients enrolled is 270/5=45 days PER patient. This site enrolled even better then my initial 60 days per patients, actually it enrolled at 1 patient at opening and then 1 about every 60 (67) days, which was my VERY FIRST simulation!

That doesn't of course mean they will ALL perform like this one but SUPER interesting to know!

Thanks for posting.
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04/13/15 12:53 PM

#215272 RE: hutschi #215246

Enrollment 5/6 for one of the French centers. Good find hutschi. Not long now.
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04/13/15 3:19 PM

#215293 RE: hutschi #215246

Wow something tells me enrollment is ahead of schedule! Especially when you look at the fact that one of
the country's most renowned oncologist in lung cancer Scott Antonio is involved and is included in one of our AACR presentations next week. Covering of all things lung cancer biopsies of our bavituximab patients.

How involved in Sunrise is this esteemed KOL?
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07/08/15 8:18 AM

#225496 RE: hutschi #215246

Rennes enrollment:

Previously on 17th of March:
Patients inclus/à inclure 5 / 6 17.3.2015

Now, on 19th of June:
Patients inclus/à inclure 7 / 6 19/06/2015

Is the translation correct: "Patients included / to be included"? Obviously they have enrolled 2 patients in 2 months. Then why has 6 remained the same? It looks like instead of the previous 5+6=11 it's going to enroll 7+6=13 patients. Is it Competitive Enrollment at work?¢ers=&phases=&text_search_general=sunrise&pathologies=&text_search=Rechercher+par+mots-cl%C3%A9s+dans+les+r%C3%A9sultats&REQUEST_TOKEN=e93ea5b447b1aac301797810dd3d38a2&FORM_SUBMIT=criteria_form&SEARCH_TYPE=text_form&ADVANCED_SEARCH=

(Sorry if a repost)