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04/07/15 2:22 PM

#16761 RE: OBhands #16759

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04/07/15 2:23 PM

#16762 RE: OBhands #16759

Updates Shareholders and Address the Company's Challenges and Vision of the Future

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / April 7, 2015 / Player's Network, Inc. (PNTV), a fully reporting publicly traded diversified holding company which operates two areas; Media and Medical Marijuana, announced today its first quarter shareholder update.

Dear Shareholders,

Thank you for your continued support and taking time to review the first shareholder in depth report of 2015.

Over the last 2 years Player's Network, Inc. (PNTV) began to redefine itself as a diversified holding company. PNTV's primary objective is to create shareholder value by identifying and monetizing opportunities in niche emerging markets.

Currently, we have a long term yet aggressive approach to our two main industries – Media and Medical Marijuana, arguably two of the fastest growing industries in the United States today.

PNTV has positioned itself as a holding company to clearly identify and separate different industries and holdings.

PNTV has focused in the media space since inception, being ahead of the curve in many areas of innovation.

Through our media holdings PNTV developed a turnkey platform called "NexGenTV(TM)" which enables businesses, brands, celebrities and professionals to create and manage their online presence.

One of the proprietary channels is, a go-to source for information, entertainment, products and services for people who relate to the marijuana lifestyle and social community.

With the potential earnings in the medical marijuana industry, PNTV assembled a group of industry experts and formed Green Leaf Farms Holdings, LLC (Green Leaf).

Green Leaf is a PNTV majority owned (80%) subsidiary organized to enter the medical marijuana industry. Green Leaf currently holds two licenses in Nevada one for cultivation and the other for production of cannabis based products.

PNTV management recently reviewed and evaluated all assets of the company and listed them in our updated business plan.

We feel the company has developed asset value of approx. $40,150,000.

Green Leaf Farms - Marijuana Industry Holdings

PNTV entered the marijuana industry because management realized this industry has astronomical growth potential!

Green Leaf has under lease with an option to buy a $2.8 million dollar 22,000 sq. foot building in escrow in North Las Vegas that will be used to operate our two state granted Cultivation and Production licenses.

The cultivation and production facilities are expected to generate substantial revenue from the sale of marijuana and edibles to dispensaries.

We have also raised $600,000 in operating capital and $1,000,000 for improvements additionally committed by Agritek Holdings, a public company stock symbol: AGTK.

AGTK will be our operational partner, having 7 years experience in the MMJ market and bringing a great team to our operations.

To date we have raised a total of $4.4 million in funding without issuing any stock in PNTV, causing no dilution to our shareholders.

Our last obstacle to trigger this business is waiting for a change of address approval from the state.

Green Leaf intends on expanding its brand through a "growth by acquisition" strategy.

The acquisition targets include, but are not limited to; dispensary, cultivation and production business within legal jurisdictions around the country.

The purpose of acquiring assets in the marijuana industry is to position Green Leaf Farms as a national industry leader and develop a centralized management team with unified and consistent products.

NextGenTV Platform - Media Industry Holdings

NextGenTV offers niche channel destinations (networks) that can be viewed worldwide on any media device (smart TV, computer, tablet or mobile device).

NextGenTV is much more than a content delivery platform, it enables PNTV to provide brands, businesses, celebrities and professionals with the tools to launch their own network.

It is a turnkey solution for them, providing a broad exposure footprint through existing distribution, as well as new revenue streams.

NextGenTV's scalability enables PNTV to create 100's of niche channel destinations (networks) that can be viewed worldwide on media devices.

PNTV is currently in BETA of the new version of NextGenTV platform and is expected to launch in May 2015.

PNTV generates revenue from our proprietary channels as well as from clients. Proprietary channels, such as, revenues include advertising, cross selling with other companies and premium membership subscriptions.

Clients pay us to develop platforms to communicate with their existing customers as well as attract new ones. - One stop for the Marijuana Industry

There are many marijuana-based websites, but what sets apart is our (PNTV) vast media background and our approach to new media, as well as our NextGenTV platform from which to deliver it opposed to a traditional advertising model. is targeting a large number of companies in the marijuana industry including, but not limited to; dispensaries, cultivators, smoke shops, doctors, suppliers and manufactures which exceeds 70,000 businesses and growing! enables our clients to have their own micro media channel that includes video, photos, blogs, trending news, membership, product coupons and more. Our approach is to become marketing partners with our clients and provide real value,

communication with their customers and a ROI, not just sell them non quantifiable advertising package.

PNTV expects to generate substantial revenues through because the proposed average cost for a micro media channel is projected at $500 per month per business/listing.

PNTV's Vertical strategy - Integrated with Green Leaf Overview

It has always been PNTV's business model to vertically integrate digital and brick and mortar businesses together.

The first example of our vertical integration strategy is and Green Leaf Farms in the marijuana space. will become the primary marketing engine for Green Leaf products including medical marijuana it cultivates, edibles we create and other brands as we continue to grow.

We feel this strategy will work in many different industries and will set us apart from other publicly traded marijuana related business.

We plan to replicate this model as a network with sub categories such as Pets, Health and Fitness, Politics and tourist destinations such as Las Vegas, New York and Miami.

Shareholder Communications and Investment Relations

Investment Relations (IR) is sometimes a loose term and many small cap companies hire outside IR firms that don't reflect an accurate message about the company or in some cases clearly misrepresents the business model and revenues with the intent to show short term gains.

PNTV has identified a large number of unauthorized notices and posts created by unofficial authors on chat boards, blogs, and even newsletters.

This is a common problem among all public companies where unaccredited so called journalist and/or stock experts publish false and incorrect information. Unless you are reading a known publication or major newspaper, there is little reason to believe any truth in what you have just read.

PNTV is committed to providing the highest level of service to our shareholders. We recently established an in-house Investor Relations department to facilitate communication with our shareholders.

Our goal is to have regular communications to the investment community and provide updated information on our corporate website and through social media accounts.

Please make sure you visit our newly designed website and please sign up for our newsletter and other mail alerts at:

I have personally spoken to a lot of shareholders who have been closely following the company and have been told that many have taken advantage of PNTV's low share prices compared to the high asset value and increased their PNTV portfolio.

I am happy to know we have so many shareholders who believe in the company's long-term vision.

*****PNTV's History and Our Comcast Communications Lawsuit*****

In 2005, the company signed a precedent-setting ten-year Distribution and Partnership Agreement with the country's largest cable company Comcast Communications (Comcast) to provide its original channel service known as Vegas on Demand for customers across all Comcast U.S. cable systems.

As part of the Agreement, Comcast was expected to assist in building our Vegas On Demand television network, which included selling sponsors and advertisers to develop an ongoing revenue stream for PNTV.

Comcast was to deploy their middleware technology known as Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI herein) to monetize our content. Instead of delivering the DAI Technology to PNTV as agreed upon, Comcast used DAI for its own channels and did not disclose it was available to us.

PNTV filed a lawsuit against Comcast in Nevada in 2014 seeking $150 Million in damages. Comcast who did not fulfill their obligations to PNTV based the lawsuit on a breach of contract. This is the genesis of the lawsuit and the damages were determined based upon several factors that have affected the market value of PNTV.

The case is now in the second phase of discovery and is expected to go to trial in 2016. As the Plaintiff, we feel it has a distinct advantage in that the suit is filed in Nevada and a Nevada jury of our piers will decide the case and the total damages.

I have been personally participated in all the depositions to date and they have been very positive in validating our complaint.

Additionally, Comcast has been denied every court challenge thus far from a motion to dismiss the case to a change of venue.

Our legal team feels fairly confident there is a likelihood the case could be settled prior to a trial.

Financial Outlook

PNTV currently has an estimated $42 million in assets yet the current market cap is about $2.5 million.

Management feels PNTV is severely undervalued and is a tremendous opportunity for the market to catch up to the true value of the company.

The specific details of our assets are outlined in our business plan posted on

The last 2 years of operations have been challenging, as we have had very little revenues to offset our development expenses.

The development of our "NextGenTV" platform and the cost to develop Green Leaf Farms was accomplished by receiving investments through convertible notes in PNTV.

Currently we have a balance of about $700,000 in convertible notes, which I feel is reasonable when you look at our substantial accomplishments outlines in this report.

Some people will refer to similar notes as toxic or death spirals, however most people don't fully understand what they are talking about.

We have developed good relationships with our financiers, however, most note holders are not long-term investors. Their business model is to convert the note into shares of the company and liquidate their positions when the notes mature.

Unfortunately, due to our lower stock price we have experienced a higher than normal dilution that has increased the number of outstanding shares to over 200 million.

As the company begins to generate revenues we become less dependent on investment structures similar to convertible notes, and additional long term funding options will be available and strengthen our balance sheet.

Below is a list of benchmarks PNTV management feels could increase the market value for our shareholders and position the company for better financing terms.

- Revenues generated from our NextGenTV platform within 60 days
- Revenues from has already began
- Deploying different verticals through joint ventures within the year
- Revenues from Green Leaf Farms within the year
- A potential settlement in the above mentioned Comcast lawsuit, this could be very soon, or 2 years we can't control the courts.

PNTV will seek additional direct investments into the company to cover operation costs and pay down some of the outstanding notes. Overall management feels good about the current financial position of PNTV that we are close to operating on fundamentals.


Our team put in a lots of hard work, dedication and devotion to capitalize on the new direction of the company.

We have achieved success in, re-positioned the company and built a strong foundation for PNTV to expand upon. Since every team member is a shareholder of PNTV there is an added commitment and motivation to work harder to create additional shareholder value.

I am personally very excited about our future.

PNTV is well positioned to be a leader in 2 exciting industries. I hope you are as excited to be a part of our future success as I am. Player's Networks time has arrived.

It is truly my pleasure to work for you every day.

Thank you again for your support and comments. Please feel free to contact our Investor Relations Department or contact me anytime to answer any questions you may have.


Mark Bradley

Safe Harbor Statement:

Matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect," and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein.

These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. These include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with: the sales of the company's identity protection software products into various channels and market sectors, the issuance of the company's pending patent application, and the impact of economic, competitive and other factors affecting the Company and its operations, markets, product, and distributor performance, the impact on the national and local economies resulting from terrorist actions, and U.S. actions subsequently;

and other factors detailed in reports filed by the Company.

SOURCE: Players Network, Inc.