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04/02/15 11:29 AM

#241480 RE: zen 88 #241479

Zen: What do you think is the outcome of big companies using language Wave used to use?

Are you implying, first they use Wave's language, then they start buying Wave's products?

If so, I have not seen any indicators pointing your way. Talk is plentiful most everywhere. With Wave, results are scarce, as you may have noticed.



04/02/15 11:37 AM

#241482 RE: zen 88 #241479

**it's the central premise of all wave investors that hardware is inevitable. and they always think wave's success is just around the corner.

in my view, it's the final certainty that a realist should shake off. once you purge that one, things make much more sense.

but before you consider that, remember the wisdom of old jmk who said in the long run we are all dead. which is to say that time counts. to say hardware will happen some day is not to give a claim much meaning. it matters when it occurs. now? in a decade? in 50 years? folks have been peddling the line that it's just around the corner forever. those folks don't ever get to be vindicated.

meanwhile, one wonders, is it inevitable at all?

in some parallel universe, doubtless hardware is universal. here, where a small pool of investors that has been diluted on the strength of the inevitability claim for years and that has that as its mantra, seems to me far from persuasive. surely the absence of accelerating sales during this period tells you that other issues are in play.

in this universe, my view is that nothing is written. the future is a bush not a ladder. i will count things when they occur. but i see the premise of hardware inevitability as something you believe if you hang around folks with a collective interest for too long. where are the wavoid security professionals? it's just folks who have collected around an investment convincing one another that their ship is afloat by collecting dots. sure it may happen. but it isn't inevitable.

if it sells, then it was a success. unless it does, there are other options which consumers are persuaded by. so far, enterprise software is winning. probably many reasons why.

an alternative is to view hardware as more of an os vendor thing. no major enterprise opportunity to be had.