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05/23/06 6:33 AM

#37570 RE: PegnVA #37564

Now that was a pretty ugly ball game. I think the announcers may need to hire a shrink with all the psycho-analysis they are doing of the Yankees lately. lol.
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05/23/06 6:50 AM

#37572 RE: PegnVA #37564

Pretty funny stuff about Pavano...

They thought that Carl Pavano might be back by now, but he remains on the disabled list. Pavano, a $39.95 million pitcher, has been on the list so long, it may come to be named after him. He last pitched for the Yankees on June 27, spending the rest of the season recovering from a shoulder injury.

This season, he returned to the list after he fell on his buttocks making a play in an exhibition game. He was on target to return when he injured his elbow, jeopardizing the rest of his season. He is scheduled to have surgery Thursday and has said he expects to pitch again this season. But given his history, the Yankees should not hold a spot open for him.

If the Yankees had a sense of humor, they would place a pile of Monopoly money in Pavano's otherwise empty Yankee Stadium locker and each day remove the amount that he makes that day without pitching to earn it. It would be a vivid demonstration of what the Yankees waste in their exorbitant way of spending.