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03/26/15 8:31 AM

#78756 RE: Ultimaratioregum #78755

We will not know anything it appears, until the reports come out and then our DD will determine where we are in space, as individually invested parties. If a management team is having trouble staying connected to his constituency of investors, and possibly this will be an unaudited report, then each invested person has the responsibility of DD FOLLOWING the stated involvement of the company and each public entity that company reportedly serves. Am I wrong here? We must remember that every school district is a totally public entity, and tax payer dollars are involved. The wording on upcoming filing will be marginal or specific. Marginal is " so and so school district is getting geared up, or they're signed on, or they're nearing completion of the project", so much left to the imagination. Specific might be like this. On Jan. 13, school district so and so initiated trials of the product with 400 students, and this trial is currently contractually funded , at $72.000 projected spending by Fiddldy Okelaaa incorporated. On successful function of this initiation, Fidld projects to expand at a rate consistent with bla bla , in consideration of new profits from enhanced community use of their coffee product. If it is shown that Fiddldas profits cannot sustain the application of the student safety product, it will be continued regardless, as a good will project under financed contribution of FID ; or on said date of Aug 38, this Specific project initiation shall be discontinued.....but if all one investor is given is a list of school districts/ boards and licensees and those related school boards, then we have our work cut out for us. It's one thing if the agencies using the product in a defined fashion , are private entities, but as the vast majority appear to be public, tax supported entities, it is different approach to inquire about the products use, involvement and efficacy. All decisions are approved at meetings that may not be a general public circumstance. But at every school board meeting the general public may ask for disclosure of anything they please, especially the ongoing status of a safety product said to be on going. In my county the school board officers are elected public servants. And the meetings are televised for all to see and hear and stay current. One does not say " I am John Doe and my stocks doing thus and so." He says, I am John "concerned about public safety " Doe and I am aware that on Jan. 15 the company Xyz initiated services in this county. Presently I am concerned for what stage in this said ongoing project we are. How many students .... How many text messages... How's the installation being funded....what local mom and pop business is funding operations... Then the school board says, "GOOD QUESTIONS, John. We will certainly look into that and respond at the next board meeting. And where may you be reached? " That's how easy it is. Or one may do a long distance inquiry to the publically elected board and ask anything they want. Or the mayor, in my city since the mayors office and school board are integrally involved on mission of city wide child safety. There is little reason as I see it, for John Public to be wondering about Anything re: the promotion of child safety. Just too big a political football/ platform involving substantial tax payer dollars. National initiatives always abounding so ask anything you want to any current political official you can google. That's the fast track to responsibly following your invested dollars. And then there are the big guy public assistance monitoring agencies. Those are also resources useful if one is in an information quandary. Peter Gates, Thankyou. GLTA . NOT an advisor, all stated is IMO.BEST OF LUCK TO ALL LONGS, and especially the ongoings of ECDC.