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Watts Watt

03/25/15 11:10 AM

#66827 RE: rige #66824

As resident provocateur, I am delighted with your research.

Indeed, VMatter does mentioned the tenfold increase in number of sharpening... of course, as in any marketing pizaazzz they neglect to be specific about what the base number of sharpening cycles was...

MA-6, because it will be tested under much more severe conditions than Vmatter (which essentially is for kitchen use), might not wish to explain the entire matrix of possibilities of use and the corresponding number of sharepening cycles. Quite understandable.

Thanks for your posted comments. Duly appreciated. Noteworthy.

In the meantime, it is obvious to me, if not to others (since Snidely hasn't posted recently) that the formation of the hangman today bodes the peak of the run-up to be followed by the rest of the week and next week being to the downside.