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05/19/06 6:48 PM

#207294 RE: janice shell #207256

I can sort of understand unsophisticated people being taken in during the pump in 2004. Urb had race cars and billboards with CMKX plastered right beside advertising for legitimate companies. First time investors probably didn't know what a pink sheets stock was. So, I can't really fault them too very much for buying. But after what happened at the SEC hearing-- 703 billion shares disclosure, UC pleads the Fifth (more Bill of Rights material, lol), and Maheu showing his ignorance, there was no excuse for the continued stupidity. The diehard CMKX'rs who think that the "evil MMs" ruined their company deserve all the raping they got from Urbie and his cohorts.

I just wish they would hurry up and revolt against Fizzle. The show is getting boring.