So here are some documents HC would have to surrender
- notices to employees that directly or indirectly delayed CENBIO - Dcomuents to employees and HR that relate to moving the gentleman that exposed the games via an affidavit. - Documents of discussions with the media leading to the whole misrepresentation by Health Canada - documents of discussions between LS and HC
The list is long.
They DO have to provide.
There are others that will write affidavits of document deletion, I'd bet on it.
I would assume that if one side wants documents in the possession of the other, a motion for discovery would be have to be filed and granted, for a judge to compel the other side to produce. What I see here is the mindset of a pinky CEO at work. Send a bunch of non binding junk to the court, just to get your name in the papers, a.k.a. posturing.
Is there a Canadian equivalent of of the US's PACER?