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03/16/15 1:53 PM

#49299 RE: BeauBeau #49296

This would be highly illegal, and someone such as yourself who has "ALL" the facts from the newborn infancy to the matured VOIS should know that.

And to say these guys knew this all along, and thought they'd get away with it is ludicrous .. Do you think they would be evolving there family members, "son" noah in direct hands of this illegal actions .. ?? i doubt it.. theres a paper trail on all of this..

HOW CAN they continue to operate if they DO NOT have some truth to there new product?

I understand your position more than anybody. IT Just doesnt add up as to why VOIS is still trading if this was the truth. AND why someone who "shorts" stocks is so interesting in taring this thing to the ground ... WHY WHY WHY ?
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03/16/15 2:38 PM

#49313 RE: BeauBeau #49296

Very possible you are correct :-(

Be blessed
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03/16/15 3:45 PM

#49331 RE: BeauBeau #49296


As I expected.. I did some digging into what you said and found holes ( as i expected) The company didn't raise the 350g's on least 3 occasions.. However, they told us repeatedly (back then) that they still need money to complete the device (as you pointed out).. In fact, it's very consistent with how everything has unfolded and they weren't shy in telling us that they did need money (if they didn't need money that would raise more red flags).. this is very expensive technology.

IN fact, in 2014 we see a lot of developments/accomplishments

which indicate they got the 350g's and completed a design, prototypes of that design. Did Beta Testing etc. The PR you posted from 2013 doesn't state they got the required funding fyi.. Looks like a deal fell out.. Unfortunately it happens and not uncommon.. Doesn't really matter now does it?

As far as the salary, it's not any determining factor for me to buy/sell.. and probably more to that story (as I have continually proved in VOIS defense)

The Capital Needed to raise the $350K was raised on at least 3 Occassions since then if not far far far more... Do the Math, Do the DD..
VOIS = Extreme Insider Enrichment SHAM! My Opinion.

Concerning this:

VOIS also has completed a functioning prototype of a micro EEG headset, developed for the mobile market. The Company is in the process of securing adequate funding to complete the design and operating software system for the patent pending device.

Look at the below>

It appears that they had a very raw prototype model that they developed as seen on the page.. Obvious that it wasn't the model they wanted to bring to market to launch but a working prototype using their technology. They obviously needed money (the 350g's) or so to develop the model we see now.

So as far I am concerned, Everything is consistent and in line with what they been telling us this entire time.. I don't see any issues or problems or anything to be alarmed of.. It's what I would expect with revolutionary tech. It was a timely, expensive process that required all the necessary steps to get to where we are today- on the eve of launch.
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03/16/15 5:58 PM

#49358 RE: BeauBeau #49296

Beau, I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your posts today showing us the 2013 PR's. In fact, it's given me more warm fuzzy feelings and confidence about VOIS and their future. I know that wasn't your intention but I found out a lot more than I had already known (which is a lot) which provided more evidence that I have put my money into the right place.

Getting the drift here yet?
It's the same Broken Record playing the same tune over and over and over and over, again and again and again and again!

Is it really? Yes in 2013 they came out to the public and openly admitted that they needed money to finish out their BCI Device. They weren't shy or hiding that information and I give them props for being so open about this.. They didn't have enough.. It's expensive tech.. R&D is very expensive.. They aren't designing T Shirts or iPhone Cases here.. they have a device that can read your brain signals and convert them into commands and actions. Cost a lot of money and time. If they didn't need money or didn't have any notes or debt - that would be a huge red flag to me.

Read December 2013 pr again...
Needed $350K to finish bringing new product to market.. they were stating the same BS, but actually $100K less prior to the October 2013 RS!

I've read this PR over and over again and what I've discovered is that they are consistently telling us that they needed money to finish out their BCI Device.. as far as the $100k less .. are you saying they got 100k and why the number adjusted or that the number changed by $100k more? Either way, I read that as they got 100k or that they found out that they needed 100k more than expected.. Not really an issue for me considering it's tech and unforeseen circumstances occur often- especially at that time..

As far as the RS, it's an unfortunate thing that I hate to be apart of and to be experienced by any shareholder.. So I can understand that some here feel the pain of it and possibly spend countless hours negating the company.. Unfortunately what people don't realize is that sometimes to get additional funding, companies often have to perform RS's. It's been explained here in detail ( so i'm not going to go into detail) but sounds like this was a necessary move that they couldn't avoid in order to continue operating. But that won't happen again Beau..

Luckily, VOIS is currently at a stage where they are about to launch the SYNAPSE (finally) and don't appear to need any more money.. Once they sell the first 5k units.. they could make up to $1m in gross sales. A large % of those sales will be profit and can go back into manufacturing more units, creating more revenue.. and well.. that's coming in the very near future? So all the doom and gloom about any future RS or blah blah is obsolete.

Driscoll didn't take a Salary?.. oh boy.. BUT he did in 2014. End of year he gave himself $155,000! Gee, I guess VOIS must be sufficiently capitalized now eh? PR below is from over 15 months ago... The Capital Needed to raise the $350K was raised on at least 3 Occassions since then if not far far far more... Do the Math, Do the DD..
VOIS = Extreme Insider Enrichment SHAM! My Opinion.

I will have to dig into the Salary part.. but you may of answered your own question.. VOIS may be sufficiently capitalized now.. I really cant' comment on this bc haven't dug into it.. but as explained before.. doesn't effect my buying or selling.. so the topic is moot to me.

However, saying that VOIS is an Extreme Insider Enrichment Sham (Your opinion as you say of course) That DD doesn't add up to me. Driscoll got 120m shares and could sell them anytime he wants now.. and as the last filing clearly stated.. that out of those 120m shares, he still has 113m shares.. If this was some pump and dump share selling scam (wouldn't he have sold all of them by now)

And those 5m preferred shares that can convert to 500m.. well you do realize that this can be to protect the company in case of a hostile takeover..

So instead of (anyone) constantly negating the company and only discussing doom and gloom.. how about us discuss the positive alternatives and possibilities here.

My Math says VOIS spent a long time raising money, doing R&D and was in the trenches.. until recently they got the money they needed (huge help by Joe Abrams) and now about to launch.

Everyone here should be celebrating their accomplishments.. Not knocking them down. A lot has transpired in just the last year.. Let's celebrate..

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03/16/15 8:00 PM

#49372 RE: BeauBeau #49296

The CEO and Director has chosen to not receive a salary since taking office, until such time that the Company is sufficiently capitalized.

Interesting find. But didn't the 2013 10-k show Driscoll's salary at about $250k?

THat's kinda like securities fraud, wouldn't you say?

And, of course, as of the end of 2014, they still need $350k to go into production....... which may or may not also cover marketing and distribution.