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03/12/15 1:39 AM

#61872 RE: PaperLion #61869

As a biochemistry graduate, I fail to see how freezing temperatures could render a CBD molecule "useless." The only place I have seen this idea has been on this board, and no one has ever provided a source.
CBD is a small molecule that will not be damaged by ice crystal formation. If anything low temperatures would preserve the CBD molecules by slowing down any CBD degrading reactions.

After some quick research this is what I found:
CBD is photosensitive and prone to air oxidation: this means that if exposed to air or light the CBD will react and become CBN.
CBD when it is still in the plant (the stalks and stems) is protected from air and (for the most part) light.
CBD, once extracted from the plant, degrades to CBN fairly quickly if stored at 5 degrees C and above- CBD CAN BE STORED FOR YEARS IF TEMPERATURE IS KEPT AT OR BELOW 4 DEGREES CELCIUS.

This is the paper from which I drew my information about temperature:

In my scientific opinion:
Anyone telling you that the stalks, leaves, and stems were frozen and therefore rendered unusable is a lying bastard trying to acquire cheap shares at your loss.

Furthermore anyone with any critical thinking skills should be questioning such individuals thusly:
-How do you know the plant material was frozen?
-Are you purporting to have some kind of inside knowledge? <--If the answer is "yes" this is probably the most incriminating indication that the claimant does NOT.
-What are the scientific objective sources for the claims you are making?

The onus is on the person who presents information to verify their claims, and if they do not, and you cannot verify their claims yourself, it is highly likely their information is suspect.


03/12/15 11:24 AM

#61918 RE: PaperLion #61869

PaperLion, read it on FB pages. Don't know if it is acceptable to fully relate the sites. On those sites, it's not the Admin.'s or the Mod.'s. It's individual contributors who do not like DSCR and say "...I heard" and '...someone on the inside said to me...' indirect quote as that is the essence of the retort. I have seen those comments go unchallenged.

Those comments end or change conversation in that particular thread so the arrow (I am assuming) may have done some of its work. Indeed, the threads may not even be up any more. However, that is some of the conversation I have witnessed myself.

This is a good board here. Lots of contributions. No name calling. Yet a comment like that would immediately be challenged on this board. Which I would challenge as well. We only risk deletion, not banning here(unless it's egregious). The problem with many of those FB sites is that if you say One thing some mod/admin. does not like they'll kick you right off. I try to not risk being kicked off as I need all DD to make own decisions. If others wish to pop off their mouth and risk banning, which many, many, do and regret it, that's their option, not mine.

My purpose in bringing this issue up was simply a request for others, perhaps more informed than I, to give their input so we then can make a more informed decision about our investments. I got a lot riding here. I wanted to know. Apparently this is one of those things where more research has to be done. End of story. Issue is dead. But I'll not cease my search for information ---if I can get truth from the devil himself, I'll take it. Also understand your concern. Desire for info. genuine. Best of luck to you.