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03/09/15 5:32 PM

#89511 RE: Eskaminagaga #89509

"Until KBLB starts making money, its hardly commercialization...of course, i could be wrong about the whole thing, i am no expert on FDA rules and regulation."

to the fda, it has nothing to do with money or profits..kblb is making tons of ms...that can only be done in a commercial production facility...they are out of the lab...thus they are no longer simply a lab experiment...
they have transferred tons of a commodity with value into the hands of a commercial enterprise..

the fda has way more than enough cause to become involved if they so choose and if it is in their jurisdiction to do so...

on a side note...I have been told that the pilot facility is not in the U.S... but apparently import/export in regards to Vietnam is an unresolved issue?..

apparently the pilot facility doesn't have issues...hmmmm

"maybe if you look hard enough. You certainly won't find it being sold in a higher profile corporation."

so in all the countries in the world where they can sell the stolen product, its safe to say that they will be able to make a fortune and the theft will be well worth it..
that's the bottom line after

"Being a genius just means you have the ability to learn faster than most others."

well then, ive seen no evidence of genius on kim's part whatsoever..

"Hopefully Kim will learn from Jon. I am sure he would not hire him otherwise."

I suspect kim had several motives for hiring a young executive...and none of them involved being schooled by him...

"Hiring someone like Jon with a chemical engineering degree and management experience for only $120k is a bargan despite any additional cash that he will be contributing to put him through school to finish his education."

don't forget the 2 mil in shares, health care, car etc...rice's management experience is small time...imo, kim is overpaying him...
and if rice is such a hot commodity, why would he take an at will position for less than hes worth?..and if hes such a hot commodity, why did kim only offer him an at will position?...

because kblb is such a great opportunity? not gonna by that tired old phrase..