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03/05/15 7:17 PM

#30985 RE: monkeybuilt #30982

I am sure if GE wants to take over this co. - they will find a way to make an offer that is good. Also, GE has a huge legal staff that will find a way to do this with minimum cost to them.

Williamsburg, Va.


03/05/15 8:14 PM

#30987 RE: monkeybuilt #30982

LOL! That post is almost as comical as Golds...the part about Sigma being able to block GE takeover. Yes let's put up a little styrofoam board to serve as a protective wall in case a Tsunami comes our way.

I talked about a possible takeover by GE about 6-9 months ago.
Main point was...why would GE pay millions to equip their machines if they can just buy the company themselves? They won't ever. That's why Sigma will either fail or get bought out. Either way, it will never be a 10 bagger. So for me getting 2-3x current levels in case of a buyout is nothing compared to the risk exposure.