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05/16/06 1:52 PM

#206733 RE: famulus #206729


There are people out west that I've known for long time who are very well connected in the industry. They consider Urban a total dolt , but do believe that there's some substance to this rumor. The first group fleeced the country bumpkin Urban , the second group was hired to bail him out of the mess. What most here need to realize , is that Urban wasn't the mastermind of the pump and dump. He's not that sophisticated , it was hired out at a very high cost. Pedro's shareholders lists proves that and shows the cast of characters who had been hired.



05/16/06 1:56 PM

#206734 RE: famulus #206729


I actually know most of the CDN names on that list of Pedro's. Most were given the CMKX shares to make up for losses from previous failed promotions. I have copies of the lists and know a few of the names personally.



05/16/06 3:24 PM

#206750 RE: famulus #206729

famulus: Please email that file to me @ Thanks in advance.

I think the pedro link is busted now, but I downloaded the file, and if you want I'll stick it on the web for you.


05/16/06 4:20 PM

#206766 RE: famulus #206729

I also have saved those lists and Pedro's list of those who received the "pay it forward" shares.