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03/03/15 3:27 PM

#415898 RE: go_wamu #415864

go_wamu, those are the transcripts...

...they are what the man testified. I don't know who the "other's opinion" is, but I just go by what I can read and what are the facts.

In these foreclosure defense cases, bloggers and "specialty attorney's" IMO are cherry picking a sentence out of context (accounting records "where he didn't work, so he could never have seen them" versus the mortgage records "where he did work and saw them on his screen" but never printed an entire record). Out of the hundreds of billions of WMB mortgage backed securities, a few cases get the attention; all by borrowers who stopped paying their mortgages and want a loophole out. All that they have won was time, pushing back the foreclosures. As stated before, FDIC and JPM made some "chain of title" errors in certain instances state-wide, and some on a one-by-one basis. That has slowed foreclosures, but in the end there was settlement and/or payment.

Large Green

03/03/15 3:32 PM

#415901 RE: go_wamu #415864

go-WaMu, all you have to see is GOOGLE regarding ROBO-Signing and there are courts all over this country that is nailing JPM on all of this illegal ROBO-SIGNING. This not to mention being able to prove ownership due to clouded title and so many more illegalities.

These are just the ones JPM cannot bully into losing with stacked litigation and more tactics. You will find these activities against JPM in Minnesota, Wisconsin, all over Florida and California to mention a few.