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Burn Notice88

03/03/15 12:25 PM

#80739 RE: Vapobag #80737

To Speculate About this RIGH Considerable Hint…

I share your same opinion on the matter, if not for the indicators. I see where speculation comes into play because Angel has only hinted at bringing in star-studded product endorsements while releasing only limited information in a PR back in October which if backed up by comments in Angel's public and most-recent e-mail will lead to pure profit for RIGH (BudGenius) without the manufacturing costs and other expenses that would exist. No way can I confirm this is the finished product but I ran across the front page of Genius Biotech website which is the same cell phone and biotechnology and nutraceutical information for the company called Vision 2015 outlined on their website. This is why I believe that there is some kind of significant connection in the queue nearing to be revealed. For inquiring minds, here is the information on Vision 2015 and a glimpse inside Genius Biotech: