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03/02/15 11:36 PM

#25858 RE: js8797 #25857

Sorry, I missed your HIGHLIGHTING of the phrase and assumed it was you making that statement.

None the less, I do not see that phrase happening across the industry NOR do I see it happening across the USA either. More states are taking a hard look at the profitability in the tax base along with the medicinal benefits of the drug.

As to Tony being able to run a successful MJ business, even under the " wing " of his Mother-in-law.......I still DOUBT IT!

It has been common knowledge as to Tony and his lack of being able to run ANY companies unless you consider RUNNING THEM INTO THE GROUND a good trait for a so called CEO! His NUMEROUS screw-ups have been under the microscope for a very long time as I have found out.

Several individuals on this board and OTHERS have also voiced their OPINIONS of Tony's FAILURE TO LAUNCH on numerous occasions. Appears he is getting quite a RAP SHEET!

As to the BIO operations, I can NOT attest to that FACT if their ever was a factual operation or not. One can only attempt to contact some of these individuals/companies that he has thrown around as being in cohorts with to get some kind of validation.

But if you do have some HARD EVIDENCE as to Tony NOT having these individuals in his court, that would be some interesting reading at the SEC offices, IMHO! They like to get their hands on CEO's that LIE about issues such as that to SELL SHARES OF STOCK!

And YES, I get the picture when their is FACTUAL EVIDENCE to back up what is being spewed on message boards. So far their has NOT been a whole lot of " validation " of these facts that keep popping up. Possibly some links on this board to some court actions that Tony has evaded or some other HARD EVIDENCE from the courts about his FOLLIES!