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02/27/15 11:11 AM

#279559 RE: RDG013 #279553

That is a great line from Walker. Walker has been on a dead run in delivering his message. IMO, he has the broadest appeal of all the GOP field,

I'd like to see Huckabee, Cruz, Santorum, Pense, Christie, Jingdal, Kasich, Trump, et al to put away their egos and step aside. Jeb and Paul won't budge. Jeb probably thinks he has the nomination in his hip pocket. Paul is not team player. He'll slash and burn the whole field, counting on kids that support his drug law free vision of America.

I'd like to see Carson, Rubio, Fiorina to sty in. Republicans need those three face on the debate stage. The GOP needs to attract Latinos, Women & Blacks. Those three would attract more viewers from those groups, without having 8 or 10 egos packed onto the stage.

If the Walker tide changes , those three would be acceptable to me. It's going to take a lot of money to beat Jeb. I'd rather see the available non Jeb cash divided by 4 or 5 rather than by 15 or 18.

I like Fiorina, mainly because she is in the best position to go after Hillary and she is showing that she has the will to do it.

Jeb is in the worst position.

1. He has the nice guy, Bush genes.

2. For me, forget Common Core and "illegal immigration is an act of love". I've said many times that the top of my short Litmus Test list was that I want an aggressive GOP nominee.

Jeb completely lost me wen he presented the 2013 Medal of Freedom the Hillary on the 1st anniversary of the Benghazi disaster.

That was a Nice Guy too far for me. If Jeb wins the nomination, the first time he says something negative about Hillary Dems will beat him over the head for that.

Look at Bush! He is attacking Queen Hillary! Four years ago he awarded her the Freedom Medal. Right Wing Wing Nuts have gotten to him"