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02/27/15 11:09 AM

#8724 RE: dog turd cannon #8696

I applaud your rational use of logic to argue your point but every argument has at least two sides and usually an agreement doesn't come about until each side gains the information they were missing.

What is being ignored is the energy to raise the water up 2500 feet. It doesn't magically lift itself.

For now please consider that even a Giant Sequoia has the ability to "magically" raise water from its roots to the tips of it's leaves hundreds of feet higher through a process called evapotranspiration.

And, a "perpetual motion machine" has already been created in the form of a hydroelectric dam if you acknowledge that it was physics that "magically" raised the water from the ocean, dropped it on a nearby mountain where it flowed down a river to build up behind the dam where gravity continues to pull it through the generators.

So, my point isn't to tell you what you already know is true, that water can be raised by natural physical laws, but just to say what we don't know can make something that seems magical, possible. And it's this possibility that makes this stock tick, not it's debt, it classification, or it's OS, just it's possibility. Good luck to all.