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02/26/15 10:03 AM

#414877 RE: tanjazielman #414857

A hunch as I stated earlier 72b. Imo 72b cash comes back to markers for immediate distr. and 49b in mtges returns back to Wmilt. Wmilt has wmih runs the servicing rights for a %. From that revenue Wmilt will pay qtrly escrow distrib payments to markers. WMIH will acquire a company to run the complete operations. Doesn't wmih get 2.5% of what comes back to "LT." 78b cash. Is 1.9b for wmih. 5b for fdic cost and 72b back to LT. IMO


02/26/15 10:14 AM

#414880 RE: tanjazielman #414857

Tanj I hope you are right since if what you are saying is true my days as an employee are over...LOL. With this said, I am still "eagerly" awaiting an explanation from a board "EXPERT" before I form a final opinion.This is all IMO of course since I am not privy to "ALL" records pertaining to this case and would never profess that I am, as happens here on a daily basis ad nauseam!!!.


02/26/15 1:17 PM

#414961 RE: tanjazielman #414857

Wait, lets see JPM is just holding that money for us and at no interest on top of that......Really...Why would JPM be separating its off-balance records, JPM has no intention of having that money come back to WMI for any reason.......We will just have to wait....Again it goes to the work product that rosen craps has....where was the money going