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02/21/15 7:22 PM

#33724 RE: Alibi95 #33722

I don't take anything you say to me personally. Yes we are fellow investors but I said this before and I will say it again we as fellow investors need to hold this company to a higher standard.

We should expect that. We do not want to buy something that broken That's all I say.

I ask for current filings and I get beat up by people who start to count the number of times I mention it but in my world it's EXPECTED that you are up to date on your filings.

Why is that so wrong?

I will mention that the need of audited filings 100 times despite what anybody here says. I don't want to review anyone's resume because I don't care about anything else but protecting the people I represent.

You and DFW and anyone else that doesn't like what I say well I really don't care. I care about the financial health of this company.

But once again those of you that trash my position or trash this company, well I just don't get it. I really don't. If anything is stupid well that is really stupid.