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02/21/15 1:51 AM

#187726 RE: martinshkreli #187722


Every transaction I've ever made at Retrophin was done with outside counsel's blessing (I have the bills to prove it), board approval and made good corporate sense.

If Retrophin counsel deemed it appropriate that certain company transactions help settle your personal obligations towards specific claims and arbitrations, then it sounds no better to me.

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02/21/15 6:48 AM

#187727 RE: martinshkreli #187722

This is Martin Shkreli. I am happy to explain any transaction.

Can you explain why you sold over $4m worth of stock the same day that you suggested to the investment community that the just in-licensed "Thiola acquisition was worth $10 in net present value to shareholders"? Obviously a hedge fund manager like yourself would have known the net result, of such a statement, given the stocks modest float.

this is not my first rodeo and I have too many scars to do something stupid.

IMO what you did above was way beyond stupid.
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02/21/15 9:29 AM

#187733 RE: martinshkreli #187722

Regardless of what happened, thanks for coming on the board to explain/defend yourself
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12/17/15 3:29 PM

#198356 RE: martinshkreli #187722

link to this post in Bloomberg:

Earlier, he had denied wrongdoing in a post on InvestorsHub after Retrophin disclosed it had received a subpoena from federal prosecutors and the preliminary findings from its own investigation of Shkreli. He called the company's allegations “completely false, untrue at best and defamatory at worst.”
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02/12/16 3:05 PM

#199692 RE: martinshkreli #187722

If you have a some free time, I'd like to hear what you think about a company I am invested in. I'm not sure if you will receive this, but if you do - let me know. Thanks
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04/08/17 5:20 AM

#210529 RE: martinshkreli #187722

Shkreli's former lawyer claims to have knowledge of uncharged alleged crimes

A lawyer charged along with notorious pharmacy bro Martin Shkreli in an alleged securities fraud conspiracy has knowledge of other uncharged crimes committed by Shkreli that are known to prosecutors, the lawyer's own attorney said Friday.

And the lawyer, Evan Greebel, intends to take the stand to prove his own innocence and expose Shkreli's many lies, his attorney said, during a hearing in Brooklyn federal court.

"We have every intention to do it," said Reed Brodsky, the defense attorney representing Greebel.

Brodsky also vowed Friday to use Greebel's knowledge of Shkreli's purported criminal conduct on cross-examination if Shkreli dares to take the witness stand in his own defense.

"We will be duty-bound to destroy Mr. Shkreli's credibility," Brodsky said.

"We are going to get up and we are going to say that Mr. Shkreli is guilty," Brodsky said. "He is a liar and a deceiver."
