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Alias Born 02/20/2015

Re: poorgradstudent post# 187715

Friday, 02/20/2015 8:46:53 PM

Friday, February 20, 2015 8:46:53 PM

Post# of 254509
Hi Guys,

This is Martin Shkreli. The 8-k is completely false, untrue at best and defamatory at worst. I am evaluating my options to respond. Every transaction I've ever made at Retrophin was done with outside counsel's blessing (I have the bills to prove it), board approval and made good corporate sense. I took Retrophin from an idea to a $500 million public company in 3 years--and I had a lot of help along the way.

I am happy to explain any transaction. I am confident that anyone who looked into the transactions would find them perfectly legal, reasonable and quite intelligent (the results of the company speak for themselves). I welcome any scrutiny by any party and have faith any investigation will be resolved without issue--it would not be the first time and it won't be the last that my moves have been looked at--this is not my first rodeo and I have too many scars to do something stupid.

By the way, it is nice to see the rational community here, and I will enjoy joining some of the discourse here on various companies and drugs.

Martin Shkreli
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