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02/20/15 12:18 PM


Exactly. Sell people!! I'm here to buy when you're ready!!
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02/20/15 12:21 PM


Moran is still the CEO but houston is the president
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02/20/15 12:58 PM


Although Jacob Houston has assumed some of the responsibilities at Dewmar, the fact remains that Marco Moran is still the CEO. The fact also remains that the financials haven't been filed.

Moran has a history of incompetence, as well as having issues with his pharmacist license being suspended on more than one occasion. Every attempt that I've made to contact him has failed. It matters not if you write the company using polite and nice language, whether you contact investor relations, whether you call them up, etc. You never get a response from anyone.

Every hour of every day, people post comments on this board on how great this company is, but nothing is ever based on fact. I can tell you from first hand experience with another similar company, that DEWM will be suspended.

In my opinion, the only way that Dewmar survives is for Moran to resign and for a new CEO to be appointed. At this point, his credibility borders on zero. He obviously thinks that investors are just something that gets in his way, and he has absolutely no respect for. Having a dredge in psychology, I would label him as a Narcissist, and a person with Anti-Social personality disorder. People like this are totally incapable of seeing reality. They are ALWAYS right, and everyone else is wrong. His arrogance, inflated sense of self worth, etc., are nothing more than his attempt to try to elevate his self-esteem, which is obviously extremely low. People who need to be in control and who are above and beyond everyone else on the surface, are actually suffering from a very poor self image. The only way that they can deal with their lack of self esteem, is to come across as arrogant, knowing it all, and taking down to everyone who tries to reason with them. It's a classic case of trying to fool your brain into thinking that you're worthy of something, when in reality you're suffering deeply on the inside.

A person in Moran's position, is INCAPABLE of seeing things as they really are. He would rather see the demise of the company, than to let anyone else do the talking for him. It's not Dewmar that's his concern, rather it's his opinion of himself. Right now, it's so low, that the only way he can mentally survive is to talk down to others and to provide inflated comments about his company, such as in the President's Address.

This is the beginning of the end for Dewmar. As mentioned, the only thing that will save this company, is for new management to step in. This is very unlikely to happen, as Moran probably won't allow it. Otherwise, the next step is for the stock to be suspended, followed by Dewmar going out of business.

Anyone who believes that it's acceptable for no financials being released in over a year, is living in fantasyland. Moran is fully aware of this, but his frail self-esteem and his inflated sense of ego and his disgustable arrogance simply won't allow for any progress in this area.

He views himself as a 'God' figure, capable of doing no wrong. This IS NOT the kind of person that you want running a company!