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Toxic Avenger

02/16/15 4:08 PM

#16656 RE: arvitar #16655

Then they finally released the long promised "platform" that promised untold riches and it was a dud. Revenue was just about zero.
So they sued Comcast (yeah, the only hope for the platform). That was the next promise of wealth for shareholders. It's still ongoing and they are using death spirals to fund it. Woo hoo.

So now they're in the 420 biz. Because nothing creates a pump like MJ. They're one of something like 100 companies and individuals given a license Clark County.

But no worries, that death spiral dilution will pay off big time.

Unfortunately, only for those holding the notes.

Not sure what comes after Mary Jane. Self-driving cars?

Hey, at least they seem to be the only company that survived Monk's pump and dump. Well, sorta survived.