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02/16/15 1:31 AM

#27586 RE: livinginsv #27585

Living, it could be UNI who sold the kits. We don't know but it doesn't matter because I don't think it is Charter. It could also be the Chinese who also have the kits for sale. I posted that website about a year ago but who made the kits doesn't matter anymore. Anyone can make or sell the kits if they have the manufacturing capability or a market for the test.


02/16/15 4:51 PM

#27592 RE: livinginsv #27585

if Charter is making and selling DR-70, that's the final nail in the RXPC coffin.

That would answer the question "why did Charter want to be CEO of insolvent Radient?"

I don't believe that, though. I don't think Charter is a manufacturing roll-up-your-sleeves kind of guy. I think he wants to sell his saliva test idea and the IP in a package to someone ELSE who will do the actual manufacturing and marketing. In other words, I think Charter is only interested in the fast buck.

If UNI manufactured the tests being sold by Metropolis, they are certainly doing it CHEAP. I understand why SRL sold the tests cheap -- those tests were old stock. But how can Metropolis sell them for $40 USD? Even Gartner wouldn't go lower than $59 in his crowdsourcing pitch, and he knew he'd never have to deliver those since it was obvious they weren't going to make their $25,000 goal.