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02/15/15 3:20 PM

#59588 RE: alphahelix1 #59587

Very well said.

The whole discussion around ARIA will change for the better, much better, once HB is gone.


02/15/15 3:30 PM

#59589 RE: alphahelix1 #59587

Denner will not wait a year or two. I think we're looking at months before a sale at this point. Denner has publicly declared war, so the game must certainly be nearly over.

I do respectfully agree with everything else in your post.




02/15/15 3:43 PM

#59591 RE: alphahelix1 #59587

Good post. I would guess almost all longs are willing to deal with whatever results Denner can produce. I do not underestimate Berger's strength, but surely hope whatever defenses he has can be beaten. Berger has repeatedly shown all along that shareholders are the least concern among his goals. I am sure he has worked hard over the years and has financial stability plus. The flash crash that surprised longs was disgraceful and I hold him entirely responsible. I do not want to wait a few more years for a reasonable return. Enough is enough.


02/15/15 4:11 PM

#59595 RE: alphahelix1 #59587

I think the way one perceives Berger depends to a large extent on how long one has been invested in the company. Post crash investors still trust the man, most pre crash investors do not for good reason.


02/15/15 7:09 PM

#59601 RE: alphahelix1 #59587

"The hedge fund may not seek a proxy fight in the coming weeks if an agreement is reached with the company." God willing, things will start to move quickly now. I believe Denner will politely explain to Berger, just how much leverage and influence he has over the institutional investors - and how they would vote, should a proxy fight materialize