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02/12/15 8:55 PM

#29463 RE: koman #29461

thank you koman for explaining the price manipulation the last week. I have been guessing that this scenario was likely to happen and have been accumulating the last week under $6. today I was fortunate to acquire 5 call contracts for April $4 at 1.84 when the bid was 1.4 and the ask was 1.85. the bid for a share at that time was 5.84 and the ask was 5.85. when I realized 10 or so minutes later that I had gotten a better price and the call ask was still at 5 contracts for 1.85 I tried to get those but I was too late, someone else beat me to it. strange how these opportunities present themselves out of the blue. I can only guess what prompted someone to sell an option contract 2 months before expiration without any premium to the share price.
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Doc x 4

02/12/15 11:48 PM

#29464 RE: koman #29461

Like i said, linda is sll up in it!!! Just wait and see!
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02/13/15 10:41 AM

#29476 RE: koman #29461

This is awesome! From Adam's same article:

Under the provisions for the reset of the debt conversion, a floor is set at $5.84 (20% below $7.30.) The reset price for the notes cannot go lower than $5.84 which affords equity shareholders some protection, but not much. At a re-set price of $5.84, the debt converts to 3 million shares, or 25% dilution. Don't be surprised if this is exactly where Northwest resets the debt conversion price in February.

Well, I'd say Linda and company did a bang up job proving AF right by releasing ZERO market driving data, NOT getting the HE done, NOT announcing expansion of locations, NOT finishing the PIM process, Not revealing the exact number signed up for HE program, not hiring a CFO to instill confidence or...well...anything! And let me be clear...with the right data in the market, no "manipulation" would have been able to drive this down (yet again!).

Once again, LP is proving she really doesn't get how to run a biotech. Don't really understand how some people can defend her incompetence and not feel foolish by now.

If only we had a super-science person to come save this board! Alas, they have all gone...because they know I'm right about her. She's setting herself and her minions up to succeed, not you or I. Paying hundreds of thousands in salaries for years with your money. Issuing millions in shares to herself and the board...when they haven't even made a dime. She could care less about the retail investor. Can someone name one thing she's done to prove otherwise...waiting for an answer to MY question.