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05/12/06 7:03 AM

#120912 RE: awk #120910


Awk's well documented summary actually drew me towards some of your comments.

I keep thinking that you pretty well understand the direction Intel is going with their developments and thus the role of LT and virtualization in the trusted computing evolution. But you are not totally in step in how Wave is working with Intel and what valuable elements Wave brings to the table to enable trusted computing to actually work in practice.

The potential picture dovetails with a lot we've heard over the year's from outside and inside of Wave. And it bodes very well for the future for investors in this company. Of course we have to get there but the path looks clearer and safer than ever before.
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05/12/06 7:34 AM

#120915 RE: awk #120910

Vacationhouse--Is the Embassy OS/Nexus OS in the equation?
Of course, it is, but this board still remains, as I put it back on 7/25/04, "too TIMID to spell it out."

Posted by: barge
In reply to: awk who wrote msg# 48446 Date: 7/25/2004 5:08:00 PM
Post #

Awk---Apparently the board is too TIMID to "spell it out".

The answer to the "MISSING PIECE" is the EMBASSY OS.

Why 98% of folks on this board loathe to make that claim has always been an enigma to me.

In chapter 5 of this paper titled "System Overview" Microsoft also says:

"...We are now ready to outline how the components and concepts described so far can be combined into a complete system. The missing piece are operating systems and applications that execute on the isolation kernel..."


So how can Microsoft propose an architecture if they are missing a key element?

Do I need to spell it out or will somebody else do it for me? I'll give you a hint below:

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05/12/06 7:53 AM

#120917 RE: awk #120910

Explanation to my earlier post....

I got a few PMs and emails this morning asking for an explanation to my earlier post - the one I am responding to:

The gist of it is that Steven on Wednesday basically validated that LaGrande and Virtualization is very much the suspected playing ground for Wave some of us always thought it will/could be.

LaGrande (LT)/Virtualization (VT) and ARMs "TrustZone" architecture are quasi functional reincarnations of the E2100 chip's but integrated in Intel LT/VT and AMD Presidio/Pacifica enabled processors.

The old E2100 "applet switching, applet execution and money making machine" is very much alive! Coming to a place near you!

The above is also the basis for my frequently reposted LT/VT GVTPM posts....
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05/12/06 9:36 AM

#120933 RE: awk #120910

awk - absolutely awesome DD!!!

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05/12/06 9:49 AM

#120935 RE: awk #120910

Awk: It's nice to see the technical validation of what you and a (very) few others knew YEARS ago. Thanks for sharing. Again. Jeff
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05/12/06 1:33 PM

#120974 RE: awk #120910


Interesting post. A couple questions. I'm assuming the figure at the bottom of your post is of your own creation? If so, then is the "ETS Transaction Engine" used in this manner your speculation, or something that has been publicly announced?

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but isn't the concept of the trusted kernal running on a hardware platform the space that Trusted Logic currently serves for ARM TrustZone platforms? And similarly, I would guess that this something that MSFT also currently plans to support in the IA space at some point.

Of course there's nothing saying that Wave can't do this too. I'm just wondering if what you're suggesting/showing is the same as what Trusted Logic does.

If so, then I wonder what that does to Wave and Trusted Logic's previous relationship during the Finread collaberation. Maybe nothing, and it's not clear where that relationship is anyway.

Any comments would be appreciated. Sorry if you or others have already covered this. Thanks.
