Why do you care about this at this point. Its not followed by any brokerage firms has a large short and is going to be a story stock for awhile. Henc Has no debt so any revs are going to the bottom line and any reserves are going to be figured that way also taking into account there split. So say there split is 2 bill in oil reserves and they have 111 mill ou . you do the math. How can you put a multiple on it when thats all they will have at present unless they start talking about the possibilities of the rest of the property. Who knows where the shorts will take it. Its not like its a deversified oil company. You way over think things at present. I was in an exploration bexp and they had either 300 or 600 mill in debt didnt really care because i bot it for the possible reserves and the area .It was .43 right before they drilled it went to 1.50 then they hit a 1000 bpd well which they only owned 30% of and it went to 6 then they hit another well which was a little bigger and they owned a little more of and the stock went 12$ by that time they were on nasdaq and had a following . By that time the stories started to fly about the reserves and it went up to 15 before the next one and after that on it was in the 20s they only drilled 5 or 6 wells and the stock went to 38$ just based on the talk of the reserves and bounced around between 25 and 38 for awhile before they came up with some kind of reserve number and it got bot out for 5 billion dollars it was what ever the reserves were Xs an average of 100 $ per barrel over the next 5 years. Ive heard that we could be looking at reserves of up to 100 mill on just the small amount of seismic weve done . Thats huge. With Hencs split and even at todays prices we could be looking at 12 to 15. If they hit even 3 out of eight you could see 5 or 6 . But really its all about the reserves. They will put it on amex or or Nasdaq and then they will start trying to figure what kind of possible reserves r on the rest of the properties. Thats why when you see the next announcement you will understand how big this deal could be. Big things a happening. I have an article someplace that my friend brought back a couple years ago from austraila that said that southern aussie has as much as 20 trillion dollars of gas and oil in it. Thats why the 7 group bot the beach stake and is trying to buy up more things in the cooper basin, Quit trying to figure it out its impossible at this point the market will tell us. lets put it this way theres mucho upside. I know everyone involved and talk to them almost everyday. These TGC guys are smart and know how to make money. We will all benefit from them taking more time.