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06/13/03 4:32 PM

#32588 RE: ziploc_1 #32587

Question..Do you think the Institutions that have increased their stock ownership by over 3 million shares between Jan-March and another 3 Million shares from March to date are not a repudiation?TIA

How about the three or four additional institutions that might have covered IDCC but for the heavy insider trading. IMO your comment does not come close to refuting what I consider an important point made by Ronnie.

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06/13/03 5:45 PM

#32597 RE: ziploc_1 #32587

JimLur ... I have to agree with Ziplock....I have been directly told by a number of brokers in Texas, Louisiana,
New Mexico and New York, after they looked into IDCC, that their biggest concern was "insider selling" and they could not
recommend it to their clents for that reason ....despite the
way the stock appeared to look good to them. Inside selling was the turn off.
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06/14/03 9:53 AM

#32623 RE: ziploc_1 #32587

My point is that even though insider selling has occured institutional ownership has increased as well as a new analyst has come aboard.

It makes much more sense to deal with the facts and what happened then what might have happened.

Now if ownership went down and Marsala didn't start coverage I would say insider selling was a concern.