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02/02/15 10:45 AM

#240712 RE: dig space #240711

hi dig,

are we sure that ms isn't also using tpms for their own purposes?

"A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip that is built into a computer. It is used to store cryptographic information, such as encryption keys. Information stored on the TPM can be more secure from external software attacks and physical theft.

BitLocker uses the TPM to help protect the Windows operating system and user data and helps to ensure that a computer is not tampered with, even if it is left unattended, lost, or stolen."

it's wave's fee-based enterprise market that isn't happening in large volumes.

the mystery of why tpms are present isn't such a mystery. ms wants them for its own protection. enterprise networks aren't the main event. the windows (and chromebook) os is.