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01/30/15 11:06 AM

#184659 RE: jmgotch #184658

With the slumping oil prices and the effect that has had on the Canadian economy, it will probably sit vacant for a long time.

Lay-offs will be coming to that specific area so it's good that mcic development never happened.

I'm sure happy not to be holding shares in anything oil related.


01/30/15 11:32 AM

#184663 RE: jmgotch #184658

I, for one, don't need convincing that the March 2013 timelines released by Lisenby for financing and land closing included complete BS.



01/30/15 2:19 PM

#184677 RE: jmgotch #184658

Yes, DD did show a lot. It showed none of what was said became a reality and to that I say we've been Jose fleeced.