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sweet crude

01/28/15 4:03 AM

#44895 RE: Montanore #44894

im a flipper, i dont love long term

i could care less about most these pennys...except my 20% of time you find a rare deal, or some with big hype like marijuana, flu, or oil spill plays from few years back...something in news. I look fir a trade i think could be had...oh, been wrong befire, as no trader can ever have 100% track record....but based on chart i think a trade is here.

Idea of anything under .01, then if some follow through sell half position above .02 to reduce my loss risk to zero, and let rest ride! If im wrong my lose risk is low...if im right and jumps over .02 my risk drops to zero and rest of position becomes pure profit.

We shall see but just dont see real dilution the past month ot more...if thete was we'd see something more like 1 to 2 milllion shares trading down at .001 to .003 range..until then has shot for real flip trade here

forgive my mispells, on stupid phone, grrrr..but think you know where im coming from