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01/27/15 4:54 PM

#198341 RE: poster44ny #198340

why what makes u think it will and how soon


01/28/15 1:50 AM

#198351 RE: poster44ny #198340

Why is this F10 so important anyway? I beginning to believe it will be a non-event even if it happens


01/28/15 7:20 AM

#198352 RE: poster44ny #198340


Do you really think a form 10 will be filed and approved?

Have you any idea of the need for 2 years of audited financials

are needed? There is no way we will get a form 10 approved

this year or even next year. You can't cover up the lies

and misrepresentations that we have been told. If we are lucky

maybe 2017 or 2018 you get a form 10 if the company is still

around then.

The greatest thing that could happen to this stock is for Eric,

and Fred to resign, and give new blood a chance to overcome the

past failures and no payments and get us back on track slowly.
