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01/26/15 7:07 PM

#91034 RE: ToucanYoucan #91033

James is waiting for something major to could be a joint venture a buyout or UTRM emerging with some major network with all the capabilities and the platform.....for anything to happen he needs to get all the fins in order.....No way humanely possible that he is not working on something major....not communicating with his shareholders is still puzzling to me.....he might go it alone.....he needs to do something bigger than big....he needs to regain some of his shareholders confidence ....he needs to be transparent....and he needs to be a good communicator... he is in the communication sector last time I checked....I still believe on the concept...I still have my shares....and I am still patient that James would keep his promise...about his team has a vision...and they know what they are doing....and their first priority is the ...SHAREHOLDERS VALUE....imo....UTRM.