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01/25/15 4:23 PM

#41345 RE: james murphy #41341

JM: Almost two and a half years have passed since Amarin sold in that range and we are only a year and a half away from a resolution of this unfortunate set of events. Keep your chin up. You may be made whole sooner than you think.
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01/25/15 5:30 PM

#41346 RE: james murphy #41341

You didn't mention how old you are .
I've known those wiped out in the 87 crash , the 2000 dot com bust and more recently the 2007-8 crash in housing .
All have recovered since then
Learn from your experience and don't make the same mistakes again ....always diversify ....write that on your bathroom mirror and repeat every morning ....always diversify
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01/25/15 8:42 PM

#41358 RE: james murphy #41341

concerning our amrn corp., thank you mr james. for your heartfelt, and very honest post, I am one who bet the farm on this stock, I would be embarrassed to share what I purchased at the price of 16, 9, and then at 5, that is when I bet the farm, I understand what you are going through, on a day to day basis, gotta be tough my brother, many people have experienced this injustice that the fda imposed upon each and every one of us who invested in the amrn corp., fast forward to this moment, please don't let those who criticize your investment, those who would need, out of their own (ignorant) superiority have a desire to express their opinion, (which is worthless) have a impact upon your investment decisions, as many others, when the spa was established by the fda, and following that established procedure, investors should have gained, I hope you understand the magnitude of the (epadi) congressional and senatorial involvement concerning our issues, pressed by individuals on this board and many others, that's where our faith is now,, keep the faith mr james,, feel your pain concerning the amrn corp.
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01/26/15 8:38 AM

#41365 RE: james murphy #41341

Biotech stocks can havehuge swings in their life cycle. Some do go bankrupt and many eventually get acquired. With positive Reduce-It results think the company will be worth far more than it ever was in the past. I am hopeful of a takeover within the next 1 1/2 to 3 years at a price between $20-40 a share. Try to hang in there...if you are able to hold your position I would hope that you would. The chances are fairly good we will end up with a positive resolution.
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01/26/15 4:13 PM

#41386 RE: james murphy #41341

Did you use margin to buy AMRN stock? Because if you were not, were paying your bills and mortgage on time, sold $200k worth of Elan and put it in AMRN stock, how does the crash in AMRN pps lose you money that you needed to live on? It appears you still have the stock, so it's "on paper" for the moment. Don't mean to pry, obviously there could have been other events in your life that caused you to need that $200k, such as a job loss or serious illness, that would explain your story - don't feel the need to share if it's personal, not really my business, or anyone else for that matter.

I'll offer a somewhat similar story that happened to me last year - after several years of saving, I put (for me) a large amount of cash into my taxable account and bought stock in the shipper NAT - within a month of me buying the stock, they announce a large secondary offering, putting me way, way into the red right off the bat. Later in 2014 a serious of health problems, car repairs, household repairs etc. caused my checking account to drop to the lowest level in almost 20 yrs, and I was looking at having to sell that NAT stock at a substantial loss to cover the bills - luckily I managed to get through it by spacing out payments on several credit cards and delaying some repairs, but it was quite a shock to be teetering after years of financial stability.