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01/26/15 3:27 PM

#343998 RE: bigbadjohn2 #343989


shitbag who pumped and dumped Sunncomm. Legit product that had potential but Jacobs only cared about killing the company with dilution to pay himself.

Sterling once pumped STEH/SCMI but was crushed when someone posted Hakala was investigating Sterling's pumps a full 4 months before anyone had ever heard of her name.

By: stervc
01 Feb 2005, 09:38 AM EST
Msg. 150084 of 150105
(This msg. is a reply to 150075 by pennysaver2004.)
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Pennysaver2004, more with SCMI...

Expect to see much more news that will blow your socks off in my opinion!!! It's been a while for this company, but I think they have finally got things turned around.

I think when the word gets out about this and upcoming announcements, the majors investors will be making their presence known in SCMI.

All is well!

By: stervc
28 Jan 2005, 03:46 PM EST
Msg. 148257 of 148284
(This msg. is a reply to 148226 by pennysaver2004.)
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Pennysaver, about SCMI, CTKH & ITDJ...

**With SCMI**
- First, expect to see some very huge news next week to put it on the map. This will probably happen more than once and twice just for next week alone. If I had to guess, I would say some time Tues to start things off.

- SCMI noted that it has signed agreements with 3 of the 4 major record labels, including Sony BMG, EMI, and, most recently announced a 5 year agreement with Universal Music Group.

- SCMI also has reseller agreements or works closely with CD manufacturing facilities such as Sonopress, Cinram, Sony DADC, and Music City Optical Media.

- SCMI also announced that 101 Distribution entered into a licensing and reseller agreement for the use of MediaMax CD content management and enhancement technology.

- In less than a couple of months or so SCMI should be off the pinks and either on the AMEX or the NASDAQ SC in my opinion.

- Look for many PRs of substance for the month of Feb 05.

- Look for names of certain Fortune 500 supporters to surface.

-They already have a clientele to support their copy management and protection technology for CD security.

- Look for a huge buyback of the OS to transpire that will be better than any buyback you have ever seen announced at much higher prices than where we're at now which will surprise everyone big time to confirm a show of confidence from the company.

- Very very soon, look for some serious substance that will reflect huge revenues generated.

- They have someone that the world knows of and is very popular as a shareholder. When it comes out, and it will, SCMI will continue moving.

- Also, don't forget that there probably is a short position too