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01/23/15 8:20 PM

#30675 RE: Matrix9X #30661

Why wouldn't their ducks be in a row the first time around. With such experienced all star team of scientists you would think they know what it takes to get approved.

You said so yourself that companies withdraw instead of being denied. So can we say that PMCB was going to be denied but instead withdrew? If the answer is no then what would be the purpose of withdrawing the application?

Also, would KW even mention the denial/withdraw to the public? We will see.

And since this is my only post for the day I want to mention this clinical trial/study talk. Why did the company waste money to do a clinical STUDY on ascites when we could have been doing trials on pancreatic cancer?

Von Hoff made the suggestion to do so. The company wasn't even considering doing the study. I'm sure it cost less than clinical trials and they got to tout Von Hoffs name who in fact is not going to be part of pancreatic trials that are supposed to be starting in the next few months

Anyways. None of this is more important then the lack of funding. Trials cost millions, in PMCBs case, massive dilution. If people thought this was a good entry people would be eating this up.

Truth is PMCB is more known to penny stock promoters than they are known in any community in the United States. They do not host fundraisers, nor anything involving pantients. They attend conferences rather than presenting at them. In my honest opinion I believe this stock is worth about .8 -.10 cents.

That's where I bought in in 2013 and that sky rocket to .62 was a fluke. I made 2XXXX after taxes off the investment but I sure as hell knew it wasn't going to last. It was an artificial pump. The same pump that happened to a bunch of pot stocks. HEMP, PHOT, CBIS, MJNA, TRTC. That pump would not have happened if they didn't mention marijuana. Yes PMCB is different then those stocks but the price was manipulated no differently.

I'll buy 800,000 shares at .12 if KW leaves with no stock in his name.


01/23/15 10:52 PM

#30679 RE: Matrix9X #30661

Rhee is a lot that is undisclosed due to the confidentiality agreement. The withdrawal ...speculative could be a good thing. For example if they have been negotiating a partnership or buyout